Wargaming is famous for its game World of Tanks. Next year, Wargaming Mobile will be launching World of Warships Blitz, a cross-platform multiplayer game.
About World of Warships Blitz
In the game, you can choose from 90 warships from Japan, USA Germany and the former USSR. You can also pick from various classes like agile destroyers, cruisers and battleships.
In addition to single-player missions, you can also play 7-v-7 multiplayer battles where you can team up with your friends.
World of Warships Blitz will make use of Wargaming.net ID. That means that if you want to switch devices or platforms, all your progress will be saved to your Wargaming.net account.
Release date and platform availability for World of Warships Blitz
Wargaming Mobile has confirmed that the game will be available on January 18, 2018.
The game will be available for both Android and iOS. The best part? Cross-play will be available across these two operating systems.
Some words from Thaine Lyman of Wargaming Mobile
As a mobile game, World of Warships Blitz is casual, easy to learn and super competitive.
Short battles, easy controls, and an impressive roster of ships are all right there from launch. We’re happy to welcome World of Warships Blitz into the Wargaming Mobile portfolio.
-Thaine Lyman, Head of Shooters at Wargaming Mobile
It sounds like Wargaming Mobile is keen on getting new players especially if the learning curve is as good as they say it is.
Personally, this isn’t the usual game I’d go for but I’m happy to see this style of a game come to mobile. I’m keen to check this game out and possibly give it a review in the new year.
Screenshots and artwork
Where to learn more about World of Warships Blitz
You can pre-register for the game over here starting today. Those who pre-register will receive an Aurora Premium ship at launch.