Which console receives the most porn traffic?

Pornhub recently released their 2017 Year in Review. Fun fact: it shares some interesting facts on porn traffic by game console.
PornHub’s data and reporting always fascinates me as a data nerd. Yes, they’re talking about porn but in the end, we’re talking about people and their behaviour.

FYI: porn traffic by device

Of course, it’s no surprise that people are accessing adult content across various devices with a skew towards mobile. PornHub reports that the traffic share between mobile, desktop and tablet is 67%, 24% and 9%, respectively.

The console porn traffic data

Personally, I was surprised that people watched porn via game console. Mainly because I don’t find myself using the browser on the Xbox One ???? (The PS Vita and 3DS makes sense though, as handhelds).
What I’m not surprised by is the fact that PlayStation has a higher share of traffic than Xbox. It correlates with PlayStation sales and ownership which showed steady growth last year. However, you should note that the report doesn’t specify between different generations of Xbox and PlayStation. So, keep that in mind — it could include older generations as well.
I must admit, it’s interesting to see that the PS Vita and Wii U equally share 5% of the traffic amongst all the consoles. It confirms people were still actively using those consoles in 2017. On top of that, the other interesting tidbit is the massive 110% growth from 2016 to 2017 in porn traffic via the 3DS (lol, whut?).
Pornhub themselves note that they expect to see porn traffic on the Nintendo Switch if it gets its rumoured browser. With high demand for the hybrid console and its strong sales last year, I predict it to take a good chunk of the traffic share from the other consoles.

PornHub Insights - Traffic by Game Console
Pornhub Insights – Traffic by Game Console

The Internet is For…

And to cap all this wonderful data, please enjoy this blast from the past:

YouTube video

Source: Pornhub Insights – 2017 Year in Review