Take a look at the world of Borderlands 3 with Claptrap!

Ah, Claptrap. Everyone’s favourite funny/upsetting/frustrating trashcan/robot from the Borderlands series. In the leadup to Borderlands 3‘s September 13 launch, Gearbox and 2K are throwing out a fun video series featuring Claptrap as a sort of David Attenborough-esque nature guide to some of the environments you’ll be visiting ingame. Check it out below:

YouTube video

But that’s not all! More videos are slated to appear on the Borderlands Youtube channel featuring all kinds of fun, crazy content. We’re being promised new trailers, special one-offs, character profiles for all the new vault hunters and loads more!
Really, we’re just being spoiled here, though hopefully this also means we’ll be finding a little more information about the newer planets and environments some time soon! In the meantime, there’s always the fresh new DLC for Borderlands 2, Commander Lilith & The Fight For Sanctuary to sink your teeth into while you wait!
So stay tuned, Vault Hunters!