A new set of patches is released weekly across Runescape 3. It’s amazing how much Jagex keep up with updates. Check out the latest patch notes here.
Let’s jump in and see exactly what updates they have made this week.
1: Window positioning
In historical cases, and especially on first login, window positioning may have occurred several times. This should now only happen once.
2: Pet summoning
It is no longer possible to summon pets inside the Dungeoneering grouping areas.
3: Unstable essence
Unstable essence has become (slightly) more stable. For example, it will now show as Runecrafting in the Make X interface rather than cooking.
4: Dragon Scales
Perfect dragon scales (for Vannaka’s Slayer challenge) no longer try and drop on non-member world.
5: Bank icons
The way the icons are built when the bank is loaded has changed. This means items should no longer ‘pop in’ when scrolling through.
6: Ribbon improvements
A number of improvements have been made to the ribbon:
- The windows can now be resized and now adds space between icons.
- Additional windows can be added to the ribbon (Magic abilities, combat spells, emotes etc)
Want more Runescape patch notes?
Check out the last patch notes from gotogame.temp927.kinsta.cloud:
- Patch Notes #196: Runescape Patch Notes, Combat pets and VIP club oh my!
- Patch Notes #195: Runescape rolls out more updates!
There are a tonne more patch notes on the forum besides the super notable ones above. If you would like to read more, head to http://services.runescape.com/m=forum/l=0/sl=0/forums.ws?15,16,565,65968935
Use the quick find code: 15-16-565-65968935