A new set of patches is released weekly across Runescape 3. It is amazing how much Jagex keep up with updates across new and old school Runescape.
Let’s jump in and see exactly what updates they have made this week.
1: Charms
It is no longer possible to save more charms than are used when crafting Summoning pouches.
2: Ship Overview
A second line of text has been added for Ship components within the Ship Overview screen to allow for longer named items.
3: Quercus
Extra blocking has been added to Quercus to prevent players from hiding in his rocks.
4: Click radius
The click radius has been reduced on a large amount of items that transmogrify the player, such as the Ring of Stone.
5: Premier Club Vault
Ironmen can now access the Premier Club Vault with their own drop table.
6: Hellion Blade
Gold Premier Club members now have access to both the two-handed Hellion Blade and the off-hand Hellion Blade override.
Want more Runescape patch notes?
Check out the last patch notes from gotogame.temp927.kinsta.cloud:
- #199: Check out the latest Runescape updates
- #198: Runescape updates: Shop stock changes, greegree updates and more
There are a tonne more patch notes on the forum besides the super notable ones above. If you would like to read more, head to http://services.runescape.com/m=forum/l=0/sl=0/forums.ws?15,16,813,65973818
Use the quick find code: 15-16-813-65973818