Star Wars Battlefront II gets a new playable character mod, a lightsaber wielding Matt the Radar Technician.
Matt the Technician rose to fame in the incredibly humourous Saturday Night Live parody of Undercover Boss. The episode saw Star Wars villain, Kylo Ren going incognito as Matt into the Starkiller Base to find out what his employees really thought of him. You can catch the full SNL episode here.
Star Wars HQ has uploaded a video to YouTube showing Matt in action in Battlefront II and it is as ridiculous as one would imagine, in a totally good way.

For those wanting to experience Battlefront II as Matt, the arcade mod can be downloaded from GameTSF here. Those wanting the Fire Saber mod can obtain it from DeathsStrokeYT via this link here.
What other mods do you want to see in the game?