Satirical Point-and-Click Adventure Irony Curtain to Lift the Veil on Satire, Totalitarianism in 2019
Irony Curtain, the hilarious satirical point and click adventure set in a totalitarian communist country, tears down walls and arrives on Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4, Xbox One and PC when Artifex Mundi releases their forthcoming title in 2019.
“Our glorious country of Matryoshka wishes to extend an invitation to the West, and allow them to witness the glory of communism first-hand. Visitors shall be the first outsiders to bask in the light of The Leader, who is the embodiment of all that is good and not the “demon, blood-drunk butcher, or godless dictator” non-believers would have you fear.
We welcome them to explore our beautiful country and political realm; by solving puzzles and minigames to understandthe depth of corruption surroundingthe magnanimity of our fearless leader. This sponsored visit includes a meeting with our Minister ofPropagandaCommunication Vlad. The Minister’s job is completely unnecessary; but our country has zero tolerance for unemployment because it shows the West that we are stronger than them.
While our guests aren’t busy submitting themselves to unnecessary strip-searches; they will try to finagle their way through tricky scenarios using creative combinations of items. Our gorgeous, colorful hand-drawn country; ensures that foreign eyes will always bask in the glory of our people and natural splendor. It is our hope that these beautiful images draw their eyes away from ourimpoverishedwealthy citizens; so they do not try to steal our secrets.”– Department of