Give Your Enemies a Fun Fright With the Free Windows PC-Exclusive “Halloween Scare Tactics” DLC Too, Out Now
Good Shepherd Entertainment and independent developer CreativeForge Games have released a new free content update, Halloween Scare Tactics; for the Cold War thriller strategy game Phantom Doctrine on the Steam and GOG.
Today’s free update, which will automatically download for Steam owners, includes several content additions and gameplay refinements drawn from community feedback. Phantom Doctrine now features double the number of Investigation Board aliases, as well as improvements to UI, animations and mechanics. It also includes new character customization options. Two bonus online multiplayer maps – Unit Theta and Safehouse – bring the game’s ruthless matches to fresh environments. Finally, by overwhelmingly popular demand, the ‘Actor’ perk can be restored to its original functionality as a selectable option, making it easier for players who prefer stealth to stay in the shadows.
Phantom Doctrine has also added the new free “Halloween Scare Tactics” DLC, available to download exclusively on Steam and GOG. “Halloween Scare Tactics” features a fun variety of spooky Halloween themed character customization choices, level decorations and destructible pumpkins.

As an extra treat, clever agents can pick up Phantom Doctrine or Phantom Doctrine – Deluxe Edition, which includes the game’s soundtrack and digital art book, for 25% off from now until Nov. 1 during Steam’s Halloween sale.
Phantom Doctrine is a turn-based espionage tactics game set at the height of the Cold War. As the leader of a covert organization battling a global conspiracy, you’ll master operating in the shadows against overwhelming odds. Train agents, investigate cases and research cutting-edge tech at your base; then infiltrate enemy facilities, uncover their schemes and eliminate their assets with stealth or brute force. Experience Phantom Doctrine’s deep single-player campaign from three different perspectives; a KGB counterintelligence operative or a renegade CIA commando; then take the challenge even further with New Game Plus runs featuring bonus unlockable story content and a Mossad campaign.