
Game Review: DATA WING

This is Part 1 of a series of game reviews. In this series, we’ll be looking at games from Aussie studios as a way of celebrating all the great local talent the country has to offer.

Of course, one of the easiest types of games for me to get my hands on quickly is mobile games. I don’t want to know how much time I spend playing mobile games but it’s probably way too much because of train commutes.

Let’s get into it.


DATA WING is a free-to-play arcade-style racer. You play as a speedy triangle-thing that flies through various courses. From what you glean in the initial dialogue, you’re inside ‘The User’s’ computer, helping a character eerily named ‘Mother’


I’m a sucker for anything story-driven. There are no fancy cut scenes to be found here. Instead, you’re accompanied by a humorously condescending computer NPC that dictates what you’ll be doing to help them.

As you make your way through the levels, you’ll pick up pieces of the story in the form of ‘files’. Reading excerpts surprisingly draws you into the story further.

Sound & Music

I would cover graphics first but I think the soundscape and music trump the graphics in terms of priority. Definitely, definitely play this one with headphones in and the volume a bit up. Each level is accompanied by some great tracks ranging from electronica to sultry RnB. Plus, the sound design and sound effects are a heap of ear candy… even if the sound you’re hearing is your graceful crashing into a wall.


The graphics are simple and straightforward — not to say that they’re bad. The minimalism is on par with the feel of the whole game. It reminds me a lot of The Polynomial’s visual style which is geometric and full of light and fire effects.

Side note: The NPCs are represented as emoticons and I love it. •_•


Mechanics-wise, the game isn’t difficult but differing levels of challenges will put you through your paces especially the timed ones. There are maze-like maps, there are time challenges and there are even levels where you have to race against several ghost triangles to the finish line. The level length and difficulty are nicely chunked for occasional play and perfect for those times you find yourself bored on public transport.

The progression is good, having played through the first set of levels. As you go along, you’ll meet with changes in gravity and boost pads. If you’re a motorsport enthusiast like me, you’ll find the knowledge of aiming for the apex very handy on most of the maps!


I think the game is a fascinating balance of story, arcade-style gaming and great sound. Of course, as a free-to-play, it’s not hard to pick up a copy and judge the game for yourself. I think it’s well worth checking out and giving a go.

DATA WING is available on Android and iOS. You can also follow the game developer Dan Vogt (@dan_vogt) on Twitter.