Epic Games adds ‘Rick Roll’ emote to Fortnite!

Old memes die hard, but apparently not for Fortnite, as Epic Games has just rickrolled us in a new Tweet showing off their latest emote, “Never Gonna”
The emote is available in Fortnite’s in-game shop for around $5 USD or 500 V-Bucks. You can check out a preview of the emote here;

Fortnite has had a bunch of legal trouble in the past relating to the copyright issues in dance moves. As it has been ruled that dance routines can be copyrighted but individual dance moves cannot be, this has left Epic Games in a bit of a grey area surrounding their emotes.
This is the first emote that has been backed by a huge hit song, and while the licensing problems surrounding dance moves is grey copyright is clearly established within music, making Epic Games more than likely leasing the rights to the music. This brings to light the possibility of having popular music in Fortnite. We may see a new Marshmello collaboration event, as they have in the past!