Watch out streamers, there’s a new big dog in town. American President Donald Trump has made a Twitch Channel. Currently, the channel is just being shown under the ‘Special Events’ section of Twitch and is being used to broadcast Presidential speeches.
The Twitch channel will most likely be used in his upcoming 2020 Presidency race to appeal to younger audiences as well as show his message to more people, as at the end of the day, the Internet is bigger than television.
However, this does bring up the issue of, is Twitch really the place for this? If you don’t know, Twitch was bought out by Amazon and has had a bit of backfire from Trump throughout the years for various different reasons, such as stock market crashes and tax payments.
The chat is currently filled with Emotes such as TriHex, Pokimane emotes spams and lots, and LOTS of ‘Liberate Hong-Kong.’ I don’t think this is what his team had envisioned.
The Donald isn’t the first politician to create a Twitch account. American Senator Bernie Sandies created his Twitch channel a few months ago to broadcast his speeches to the masses. Bernie’s stream was met with disaster as he accidentally played the Soviet Union anthem live on his first stream.
It’s a strange timeline when American politicians are broadcasting to gaming websites, such as Twitch. Maybe we will one day see a Minecraft PVP faceoff from Politicians live. We will see I guess! Selected as Razer’s Public Relations Agency of Choice in Australia and New Zealand
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