By the looks of the screenshots and delightfully-coloured GIFs, Pikuniku is all about colours, helping people out and some sort of dark subplot.
“Pikuniku is an absurd puzzle-exploration game that takes place in a strange and playful world where not everything is as happy as it seems. Play as Piku, a fresh-faced, armless outsider and help the townsfolk face their fears, uncover a deep state conspiracy, and rebuild a cheerful community in a delightful dystopian adventure.”
The main gameplay involves you playing as the character Piku but the game will also feature a local co-op game mode where a secondary player can play as, you guessed it, Niku.
Devolver Digital is well known for their eccentricity and their portfolio of published game titles including Hotline Miami, the Serious Sam series, Duke Nukem 3D (Megaton Edition) and (apparently) the international remake of Hatoful Boyfriend.
The game will be up for demo at the Indie Megabooth at PAX West and will arrive on the Switch and PC in 2018. You can learn more about the game at and @PikunikuGame on Twitter.
Watch the trailer here: