
Black Op 4 Reveal!

Black Ops 4 reveal has finally come!
We have been glimpes of everything Treyarch have to offer. They have confirmed there will be NO jetpacks and NO wall running. Boots on the Ground!
Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 will be released on October 12, 2018. You can now pre order for access to the BETA!
Specialists from Black Ops 3 are back, new and improved. With some familiar ones there for us. Seraph, Firebreak, Ruin and more will be showing their faces again with some slightly different abilities to those seen. But that’s not all, Black Ops 4 will let us learn more about the specialist characters and what has made them the way they are.

Automatic healing is no longer, with manual healing and a specialist who can heal you. How this will work in competitive play, we will have to wait and see.
Vonderhaar dropped a little teaser for competitive players announcing that League Play will be making a return in Black Ops 4.
ZOMBIES is where my excitement began to pick up. With a whole new story line, new characters, new enemies. Zombies is looking to be a lot of fun. Treyarch announced there will be difficulty sliders, a new mode called Zombie Rush coming and the RETURN of Mob of the Dead, which is now called Blood of the Dead. They also announced 3 maps will be released when the game comes out. A first.

See the 3 teasers below.

Call of Duty Black Ops 4 will be available on PC, with Blizzard announcing the game will be available on BattleNet.

with all these exciting things, Treyarch then dropped “Black Out”, a Battle Royale mode set to be like no other. With everyones favourite maps, equipment, characters and more combined. The map is 1500 times bigger than Nuketown. There will be Land, Sea and Air vehicles for use.
Finally, Playstation has stayed partnered with the franchise, meaning only one thing. Competitive will be sticking to PS4!.
There will be no campaign in this new COD, the first ever to do this.
CharlieINTEL, a reliable source for many years has tweeted that kills no longer matter in games. If you hit 50 health and someone hits them for 100, both parties get the elimination. Seems they’re really trying to focus on team work. They have also changed it to be a 5v5 game now.
Until the BETA, I can say things are looking up for Call of Duty in my opinion and I cannot wait to give it a go!