I do not own an Xbox One. I want to make this clear. I do not, at this point, even intend to purchase one, or even perhaps the next Xbox console. And yet, once again, the amazingly creative people over at Xbox have targeted me, personally, with their latest promotion for Ori and the Will of the Wisps.
To celebrate the game’s release, Xbox ANZ has come up with 20 Bonsai trees, all of which are unique and themed to capture the very essence of Ori. These are decade-old trees and have been ever so lovingly designed to resemble the Spirit Trees from the game. Glowing lights, moss-covered ground, a tiny little hand-crafted Ori to keep the tree company, it’s got the works.
And if that wasn’t enough for you, each Bonsai is a physical representation of the trees that will be donated to Greening Australia, a not for profit outfit working hard to restore and help Australia’s natural vegetation. Which is important now, more than ever, as I’m sure we’re all too aware.
Dan Johnson, Xbox lead for ANZ, was all too happy to talk about these beautiful creations:
“It is no secret that Xbox fans are passionate about the enchanting universe of Ori, so we wanted to celebrate the launch of Ori and the Will of the Wisps by bringing the Spirit Tree right into Australian living rooms. We hope these Bonsai Trees, reflecting the beauty of the Ori universe, will inspire our fans gameplay experience for many years to come.”
So, want to get your hands on one of these? Check out Xbox ANZ’s Facebook page for details on how you can win. And then please don’t do that because I want this really bad (you can but like. If you win you gotta share).
Ori and the Will of the Wisps will be available on the Microsoft Store and Steam, as well as retail stores, from the 11th of March with Xbox Game Pass Ultimate subscribers able to play the game from day one.